Thursday, December 24, 2009

10 rules of a demented mind, part 2 (On relationships...)

10. If you love someone, set him free. If he comes back… lintik lang ang walang ganti!
9. All men are polygamous. If he does not stray to other women… he likes other men.
8. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Just don’t get confused on whom to call when you kill someone and need help to dispose of the body.
7. Always get a mistress who has the same name as your wife. This way, you can stop worrying about a name slip up.
6. The pen is mightier than the sword. The sword is heavier to carry when you want to stab someone. The pen can be used just the same.
5. All men lie. When you want to know the truth, stalk him.
4. It is forgivable to cheat on someone; it is unforgivable to get caught, stupid!
3. Never call your husband’s friends to check his alibi. Call his friend’s wife.
2. You are lucky if you have at least three friends to call when you are in trouble. Be sure that your wife never meets these three friends.
1. Love means never to say you’re sorry. Just say “It’s not what you think.”

Saturday, July 11, 2009

So, I was young once...

Had some free hours tonight so I looked into some old files in my laptop. To my amazement, I saw this short story I wrote ... about a hundred years ago...From the looks of it, I was really young when I wrote this; it has this "Sweet Dreams" feel in it.

Oh, so I was young once. Nice to know.

10 rules of a demented mind

10. Life is short, sleep until it’s over.
9. Don’t worry about tomorrow, it’s going to be the same old shit in a different day anyway.
8. You’ll know that you have run out of friends when you fight with yourself and put the blame on her.
7. Never chase your dreams, they might get scared and run away from you.
6. Forgive and forget, then run over the jerk with your car.
5. Don't blame others for the choices you made because of them. Just play the guilt trip.
4. You always have a choice. Sometimes, the choices just suck… fucking shit.
3. Never love someone, and hope that he'll change. Hoping is futile. Blackmail him.
2. Always be honest with yourself, even if you can't be with others. They’re just imaginary friends anyway.
1. The only things you can control are your own actions; so, run over the jerk with your car… again.


September 2006

At times I just want to crawl under a rock and hide;
Or sleep endlessly.
The world continues to live, it doesn’t stop with me.
Time moves on, change remains.
Even if I stay still, or wander aimlessly;
This doesn’t matter.
The world doesn’t stop with me.
When I wake up;
The sun still rises; the moon still exists.
The sky still hovers; the stars still burn.
Hours still pass; minutes still count.
In a blink of an eye, the past is forgotten;
In a wink, the future sneaks.
The present doesn’t linger even for a second.
Existence continues; lives lived.
Time moves on.
Change remains.
The world doesn’t stop with me.


February 2006

Why is it that when it comes to life decisions, it is very difficult not to be stupid? It seems that everything is an uphill battle. Every minute progress you accomplish, something pulls you back… and you slide all the way down. Sometimes, you even fall in a deeper depth than when you started. Then your ass would hurt like hell.

I think I have a limitless supply of stupidity. I don’t seem to run out of it. There were times when I thought “… finally, I am able to handle things.” But, as usual, I was just deceiving the only person who would actually believe me… MYSELF. I am now an expert on that - denying to myself the truth, until eventually, I believe the lie. However, good things never last, do they? That point when you need to face reality will catch up with you. And you could no longer run from it.

There is only a single thing in life which is permanent. That is, change. In my case, there is only a single thing in my life which is permanent. That is, stupidity.

How do you say goodbye?

August 2005

How do you say goodbye?
To the one who gave you joy; to the one who hurt you.
To the one who made you cry; to the one who comforted you.
To the one who made you proud; to the one who shamed you?

How do you say goodbye?
To somebody who taught you; to somebody who confused you.
To somebody who made you fall; to somebody who picked you up.
To somebody who molded you; to somebody who shattered you.

How do you say goodbye?
To someone you feared; to someone who kept you safe.
To someone you admired; to someone you distained?
To someone you hated; to someone you love.

How do you say goodbye?
Do you have to say goodbye?
Why did you say goodbye?
How can you say goodbye?

How to say?
Why did you?




August 2007

Everyday we deal with choices and decisions. Some are mundane and ordinary, we don’t even notice they’re there. But, others, so significant, they turn our worlds over, inside-out, and upside down. And haven’t you noticed, these kinds of decisions are the ones we always put aside; they are choices we wished we never faced. But in truth, they should have been our priority; the crossroad we should confront; the problems we should not let linger; the stupidity that we should let go.

Maybe it’s just our nature to be coward. Is it not our instinct to flinch from pain? Thus, it is to be expected to be in fear of suffering, for us to be afraid of that ache. Coz actually, if you think about it, we only delay making decisions when we think we would be hurt. And more often than not, we would get hurt when we make the right choice.


Hence, we opt to make the wrong ones, coz we think that they would make us happy. But from the very beginning we know that this happiness is farce. We know that we only prolong the agony. We are aware that time would eventually catch us … time when we have to make the right choice. The irony of it, because we avoid getting hurt, we actually suffer more than before. The cut is deeper; we are more scarred than we can imagine.


It takes a lot of courage to face the truth.