Thursday, December 24, 2009

10 rules of a demented mind, part 2 (On relationships...)

10. If you love someone, set him free. If he comes back… lintik lang ang walang ganti!
9. All men are polygamous. If he does not stray to other women… he likes other men.
8. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Just don’t get confused on whom to call when you kill someone and need help to dispose of the body.
7. Always get a mistress who has the same name as your wife. This way, you can stop worrying about a name slip up.
6. The pen is mightier than the sword. The sword is heavier to carry when you want to stab someone. The pen can be used just the same.
5. All men lie. When you want to know the truth, stalk him.
4. It is forgivable to cheat on someone; it is unforgivable to get caught, stupid!
3. Never call your husband’s friends to check his alibi. Call his friend’s wife.
2. You are lucky if you have at least three friends to call when you are in trouble. Be sure that your wife never meets these three friends.
1. Love means never to say you’re sorry. Just say “It’s not what you think.”